Thursday, March 21, 2013

Let you know,,,,


Dear Friend,
What if I told you that everything you’ve ever been told in the past about “making money online” has been a lie?
It has.

The reason you haven’t seen the success online (and income) you would like is because you haven’t been given the “full story” when it comes to affiliate marketing.
You just haven’t been given the right TOOL to do the job.

The right TOOL for making money online is a PROVEN BUSINESS MODEL.
A proven business model is kind of like a franchise. Roughly 90% of franchises are profitable. 97% of small businesses are not.
Most small business owners who try to “go it alone” fail within the first 3 years (and are often saddled with a enormous amount of debt).
Why do franchises prosper while most small businesses fail?
Because franchises have a proven business model that has been tested and perfected over time. 
When you’re getting started in this business online, there are a lot of challenges, roadblocks, and new things to learn…
  • how to create a winning offer
  • how to write sales copy
  • how to create your own info-products
  • how to create a sales funnel
  • setup a merchant account
  • integrate shopping carts with your email auto-responder and payment gateway
  • customer support
  • refunds and chargebacks
  • split testing new offers
  • setting up automated webinars
… and the list goes on.

Most people who get started online try to learn all of these things at once.
They ultimately get overwhelmed and stressed out.
These skills take years to master (and a lot of money)
So what happens to 97% of people who try to make money online?
You Go Broke!
A typical scenario is:
You spend some money on ads.  You make a little (if any) back…
You spend some more money on ads.  You make a little (if any) back…
You spend even more money on ads.  You make a little (if any) back…
You end up with NO money.

You Can Buy TRAFFIC,
But You Can’t Buy SALES.

Until you have a dependable way of converting traffic into sales, you will fail.
You are then forced the quit your business… and go back to your JOB.
You are forced to face your friends and family who warned you “making money online” would never work.
And worst of all, you are forced to admit to yourself that you failed.

IM Revolution Changes All This

It gives you the CONVERSIONS, so all you have to focus on is the Traffic.
I’ve done all the work for you already:
  • high-converting products
  • proven sales copy (emails, sales letters, etc)
  • split testing and tweaking
  • top-notch webinars and videos that will sell your leads
  • stellar registration and squeeze pages
  • one of the best (but not pushiest) sales floors in the business
  • award-winning customer service
  • product fulfilment
  • payment processing
  • refunds and chargebacks handled 
  • “Internet Marketing Revolution”
    Business Model

    Or “IM Revolution” for short.

    In a nutshell, this is the “machine” that makes my online business work and brings me over $300,000 in revenue per month like clockwork.
That’s where the “Internet Marketing Revolution” Business Model comes in.
It takes care of the hard part – the “CONVERSION” half of the equation – for you.
It also takes care of product fulfillment and customer service, so you don’t have to worry about:
  • starting a merchant account (HUGE hassle avoided)
  • shipping and/or digital delivery
  • refunds and chargebacks
  • annoying customers


Essentially, you just put leads into IM Revolution and collect 90% commissions on all front end products sold PLUS commissions of up to $1,200.00 for backend high-ticket programs. 
P.S.  If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, nothing is going to change. You will still be stuck at your dead-end job and your day-to-day life will still be the same. You will continue trying the latest “push-button” methods for making money online and end up as depressed, bitter, and broke as I was just a few years ago.
Or… you can become part of the IM Revolution and partner with a successful internet marketer who has a personal investment in seeing you succeed.
The choice is yours.
Enter your information below to get started.

After you get the IM Revolution Handbook today, you will be taken to another page where I tell you exactly how to get partner with me in the MOBE License Rights Program. Make sure to pay attention to that message, because it includes a special, limited time offer.
ACT FAST:  This offer is only good for a limited time. This Handbook gives out WAY too much information about how my business model works and I may decide to start charging $99.00 or more for it at any time.
When you read the IM Revolution Handbook, you’ll know exactly why I’m not leaving this offer up for long – there’s a very good reason I CANNOT leave it up and continue to have my business model work as well as it does…
I also will probably face some serious backlash from the Top 3% who would rather have you keep buying their “get cheap traffic” products instead of actually growing a successful business online.
Take advantage of this NOW, before it’s too late.

NO-RISK, NO OBLIGATION (You Decide Whether It's Worth) GUARANTEE

Remember, the IM Revolution Handbook is yours completely FREE for 7 days. At the end of 7 days, you decide what it's worth. If you decide to pay nothing, that's fine. It's still your to keep free… forever. You will never be charged for it.
Enter your information below and your IM Revolution Handbook will be emailed to you IMMEDIATELY. You will get instant access to the IM Revolution Business Model within seconds.


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