Sunday, April 21, 2013

Info Bisnis Dari Fredrick Mann,,,Dia Kembali,,,

profit harian pasti


Click for CASH with Click Paid!

Are you ready for a cash explosion? Time to let go of the '9 to 5' grind and jump on the Click Paid trail to success where earning money is as simple as Click...View...Paid! Whether you’re new to the world of online business with little to no marketing experience or a suave entrepreneurial genius, our proven system will go to work for you instantly!

How Does it Work?

Our global advertising network is offers a wide variety of products and services. One of our premier services is driving volumes of traffic to our clients websites. In recent years, this service has grown in popularity as businesses struggle to raise their Alexa rankings and ‘get noticed’. This pressing market demand presents a wealth of opportunities for people just like you! By spending just minutes a day, you Click, View and get Paid as you help us with this task. Even better, you will begin earning money within just 60 seconds of registering your account! Leave the hard work to us--all you need to do is Click and View and you get Paid!

Are you ready to get
clickin' and put cash in
your wallet? What are you waiting for? Get your account set up today and start clicking away!

How Do We Earn Money?

Earning with Click Paid is literally as easy as CLICK...VIEW...PAID! Our Click Start compensation structure allows you to test our system without adding a penny, and you earn instantly! Simply provide us with your username, email and password to enter the 5 Step Click Storm funnel. Our Click Start feature automatically funds your account! View your first ads, and then you’re instantly notified you earned $10.20...all in less than 1 minute. Continue viewing websites and earning daily until you receive $5 on your Click Start Package, and it expires. Simply put, we get you started, and you view the websites and keep the earnings!
For every $10 ClickPack package you purchase, you earn daily! We provide you with one “borrowed” package when you first sign up to get you making money immediately. Just view 3 sites daily and earn $ .20 each weekday / .10 each weekend day. The more Click Packages you have, the more you earn! With Click Paid, your earning potential is unlimited.
In addition, you also receive 1000 Click Paid Advertising Credits with each Click Package you purchase. As a member of Click Paid, you can use these credits to buy any of the advertising available within our program. Membership has its perks!

Share and Earn MORE!

Click Paid is the pioneer in automatic viral marketing. We believe that your success should not be left to chance so we take care of that FOR you!
Our automatic funnel sharing system takes the mystery out of success! We make it so EASY for you to share Click Paid with people, anybody can easily build an income with us! Our system is set up to virally post your success for you AND we pay YOU for spreading the word. Our Independent Business Owners (IBO) earn thousands of dollars every day just by sharing the viral nature and simplicity of Click Paid with others.
With every referral you introduce to Click Paid, you will earn 10% on your first level and 5% on the second for every Click Package they purchase. When they make money, so do YOU!
Freedom for the Family

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